Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Hallow guys,,,
Still with all_fe’a here
Now I will tell and give you an article about Degree of Comparison
It sounds easy but if we don’t be careful we will be wrong to speak and even perhaps your partner and someone else can’t be understand what you say.
Okey, I’ll show you a module and I also write in Indonesian so that you’re don’t be confused. Lets check this out,,,,

Degree Of Comparison

Ada 3 tingkat perbandingan kata sifat yaitu :
1. Tingkat biasa (positive degree)
2. Tingkat lebih (comparative degree)
3. Tingkat paling/ter (superlative degree)

Penggunaannya :
I. Tingkat Biasa (positive degree)
Dipakai apabila kita membandingkan dua buah benda atau kelompok yang sama sifatnya atau keadaannya.
Bentuk comparison :

As + Objective + As

Misalnya :
As big as = sama besar, sebesar
As handsome as = sama cakep, secakep
As expensive as = sama mahal, semahal

My brother is as big as my uncle
Her boyfriend is as handsome as Daniel Radcliefe
That notebook is as expensive as my mother’s cell phone

Not so + Adjective = As/not as + Adjective + As
(tidak sama/tidak se…)

Ega is not so good as Rendrew. (Ega tidak sebaik Rendrew)
Ega is not as good as Rendrew.
Ega is not so cute as Rendrew. (Ega tidak seimut Rendrew)
Ega is not as good as Rendrew.

II. Tingkat lebih (comparative degree)
Dipakai apabila kita membandingkan dua buah benda atau kelompok yang berbeda sifatnya atau keadaaannya.
Bentuk comparative :
Adjective yang terdiri dari satu hingga dua suku kata :

Adjective + er than
(lebih …dari pada)

Adjective yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih :

More + Adjective + than

Misalnya :
Cleverer than = lebih pintar daripada
Widder than = lebih luas daipada
Higher than = lebih tinggi daripada
More confusing than = lebih membingungkan daripada
More dangerous than = lebih berbahaya daripada
More important than = lebih penting daripada

Example :
a. Actually, our brain is cleverer than a computer
b. An ocean is widder than a lake
c. I’m is higher than Neta
d. Physics is more confusing than math
e. Lion is more dangerous than a dog
f. Love is more important than anymore

III. Tingkat paling/ter (superlative degree)
Dipakai apabila kita membandingkan lebih daripada dua buah benda atau kelompok yang berbeda sifatnya atau keadaannya.
Bentuk superlative :
Adjective yang terdiri dari satu atau dua suku kata :

The + Adjective + est

Adjective yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih :
The most + Adjective

Misalnya :
a. The cleverest = terpandai/paling pandai
b. The easiest = termudah/paling mudah
c. The cutest = paling imut
d. The most difficult = tersulit/paling sulit
e. The most popular = terkenal/paling popular
f. The most interesting = paling menarik
Example :
Meta is the cleverest girl in her class.
That is the easiest problem I have solved.
Dingo is the cutest cat I ever own
Thoeic is the most difficult test
Reno is the popular boy in my school
Sleeping is the most interesting hobby

Susunan bentuk :
The + comparative + the + comparative

Misalnya :
The richer the happier = makin kaya makin bahagia
The more the better = makin banyak makin baik
The more money he has, the happier he become = makin banyak uang yang ia punya, makin bahagialah dia
The longer the louder = makin lama makin keras
The more we get together, the happier we will be.
Thhe more money he has, the miser he become.
The more you read, the more you learn.
The more you annoy the dog, the anger its gets.
The more we earn, the more we spend.
The longer you study English, the easier it gets.
The more you exercise, the healthier you become.
The sooner we start, the sooner we will finish.
The more sugar you add to your tea, the sweeter it becomes.
The more you eat, the fatter you become.

Keterangan :
Aturan untuk membentuk degree of comparison :
Positive-comparative dan superlative.
1. adjective yang terdiri dari satu suku kata, tambahlah +er untuk comparative dan +est untuk superlative.
Cheap cheper cheapest = murah
Deep deeper deepest = dalam
Few fewer fewest = sedikit
Light ligther lighter = ringan
Long longer longest = panjang
Near nearer nearest = dekat
Far farrer farest = jauh
New newer newst = baru
Proud prouder proudest = bangga
Quick quicker quickest = cepat
Small smaller smallest = kecil
Strong stronger strongest = kuat
Thick thicker thickest = tebal
Though thougher thougest = kuat, ulet
Young younger youngest = muda

Huruf mati terakhir dari adjective berikut haruf dirangkap.
Big bigger biggest = besar
Cruel crueller cruellest = kejam
Fat fatter fattest = gemuk
Fit fitter fittest = sehat
Hot hotter hottest = panas
Sad sadder saddest = sedih
Thin thinner thinnest = kurus
Wet wetter wettest = basah

2. adjective yang terdiri dari dua suku kata tambahkan +er untuk comparative dan +est untuk superlative jika kata itu berakhiran huruf Y maka ubahlah huruf Y tersebut menjadi huruf I kemudian tambahlah +er dan +est.
Clever cleverer cleverest = pandai
Narrow narrower narrowest = sempit
Shallow shallower shallowest = dangkal
Busy busier busiest = sibuk
Early earlier earliest = awal
Frieandly friendlier friendliest = ramah
Happy happier happiest = bahagia
Healthy healthier healthiest = sehat
Heavy heavier heaviest = berat
Lazy lazier laziest = malas
Lonely lonelier lonelist = sunyi
Noisy noiser noisiest = ramai, riuh

3. jika adjective itu berakhiran dengan huruf e tambahkan +r dan +st.
Blue bluer bluest = biru
Brave braver bravest = berani
Large larger largest = luas
Late later latest = terlambat
Simple simpler simplest = sederhana
Strange stranger strangest = aneh
Wide wider widest = luas
Wise wiser wisest = bijaksana

4. adjective yang terdiri dari tiga suku kata atau lebih tambahkan more untuk comparative dan most untuk superlative.
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful = cantik
Comfortable more comfortable most comfortable = nyaman
Dangerous more dangerous most dangerous = bahaya
Difficult more difficult most difficult = sulit
Discouraged more discouraged most discouraged = berkecil hati
Exited more exited most exited = gembira
Familiar more familiar most familiar = akrab
Frightening more frightening most frightening = menakutkan
General more general most general = umum
Important more important most important = penting
Interested more interested most interested = tertarik
Interesting more interesting most interesting = menarik
Probable more probable most probable = mungkin
Serious more serious most serious = sungguh-sungguh
Surprising more surprising most surprising = mencengangkan

Adjective dibawah ini meskipun terdiri dari dua suku kata mendapatkan tambahan more dan most.
Boring more boring most boring = membosankan
Careful more careful most careful = hati-hati
Careless more careless most careless = ceroboh
Charming more charming most charming = menarik
Doubtful more doubtful most doubtful = meragukan, ragu
Famous more famous most famous = terkenal
Modern more modern most modern = modern, maju
Patient more patient most patient = sabar
Pleased more pleased most pleased = gembira
Useful more useful most useful = berguna
Stupid more stupid most stupid = bodoh

5. comparison tak beraturan (irregular comparison)
Bad worse worst = jahat, jelek
Far farther farthest = jauh (jarak)
further furthest = lanjut
Good better best = bagus, baik
Late later latest = lambat
latter latest = akhir
Little less least = sedikit
Many/much more most = banyak
Near nearer nearest/next = berikutnya, dekat
Old older/elder oldest/eldest = tua

Bentuk comparison dengan :
A. the same…as
the same + noun + as menunjukkan persamaan
Contoh :
Reana is twenty years old. Rendy is also twenty years old.
= Reana is old as Rendy.
= Reana is the same age as Rendy.
(Reana seumur dengan Rendy)
This is table is round. That table is also round.
= This table is as round as that table.
= This table is the same shape as that table.
(Meja ini sama bentuknya dengan meja itu)
Your ruler is long. My ruler is also long.
= Your ruler is as long as mine.
= Your ruler is the same length as mine.
(Penggarismu sama panjangnya dengan penggarisku)

Pelajarilah perubahan kata sifat berikut menjadi kata benda.
Kata sifat kata benda arti
Long/short length panjang
Old/young age umur
High/tall/low height tinggi
Slow/fast/quick speed cepat/kecepatan
Wide/narrow width lebar
Cheap/expensive price harga
Heavy/light weight berat/bobot
White/red/green colour warna
Big/small size ukuran
Round/square shape bentuk
Sweet/bitter taste rasa

The same…as = (be) like artinya : seperti
My shirt is white. Yours is also white.
= My shirt is the same colour as yours.
(bajuku putih seperti bajumu)
The earth is round. The ball is also round.
= The earth is the same shape as the ball.
= The earth is round like a ball.
(Bumi bulat seperti bola)
Feno runs fast. A deer runs fast.
= Feno runs as fast as a deer.
= Feno runs fast like a deer.
(Feno berlari cepat seperti rusa)

B. different from artinya : berbeda dengan
Zera’s bag is big. My bag is small.
= Zera’s bag is not the same size as my bag.
= Zera’s bag is different from my bag.
(Tas Zera berbeda dengan tasku)
My dictionary is Yellow but your dictionary is green.
= My dictionary is not the same colour as your dictionary.
= My dictionary is different from your dictionary.
( Kamusku ber beda dengan kamusmu)
This box is heavy but that box is light.
= This box is not the same weight as that one.
= This box is different from that one.
(Kotak ini berbeda dengan kotak itu)

Kesimpulan :

1. the same…as , atau (be) like ….digunakan untuk menunjukkan persamaan.
2. different from…, digunakan untuk menunjukkan perbedaan atau sesuatu yang tidak sama.

Penggunaan kata-kata : more-fewer-less.
a. More artinya : lebih banyak.
Kata more dapat diikuti oleh countable noun bentuk jamak atau uncountable nouns.
Reni has three pens. Erly has two pens.
Reni has more pens than Erly.

b. Fewer artinya : lebih sedikit. (bisa dihitung)
Diikuti oleh countable noun bentuk jamak.
Mr. Hasan has two children. Mr. Tedy has five children.
Mr. Hasan has fewer children than Mr. Tedy

c. Less artinya : kurang sedikit. (tidak bisa dihitung)
Diikuti oleh uncountable nouns.
Neni bought a kilogram of sugar. Fany bought two kilos.
Neni bought less sugar than Fany.
I drank a glass of lemonade. Reno drank two galsses.
I drank less lemonade than Reno.

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